Adeline Nguyen

Digital Performance Manager

work with us

Hello, I am Adeline.

I believe digital performance happens when the connections between brand ​& content, data & audiences, and tech & users are strong and seamless. You ​need someone who understands how these pieces fit together - someone ​who can see the big picture and also dive into the details to execute ​strategies effectively. More than that, you need someone who is always ​curious, continually seeks growth, yet remains kind, fair, and easy to work ​with. This sounds like me. I am quietly ambitious and maintain a discreet ​critical mind, while contributing positively to the team.

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A little bit about me

Modern Scribble Oblong

Originally from Hanoi, Vietnam, I completed my ​education in France and have been working in ​New Zealand since 2017. My professional ​background includes InfoCom, E-Business, and ​Computing. I love spending time with my cat ​Kylo, gardening, and enjoy capturing photographs ​of rural life during my road trips.

Near Lake Pukaki

Lindis Pass

Lindis Pass

Near Wanaka




Here are some of the tools & platforms I've worked with:

Data-driven Advertising

Insights - Tracking & Reporting

Website - CMS & SEO



Notable clients I've had the privilege to work with include:

My experience leans towards B2C Performance campaigns. Clients typically ​adopt a balanced approach, integrating both awareness and performance ​strategies. Most of my clients focus on objectives such as form submissions, ​online applications, or direct sales through their websites. Some clients ​employ digital channels to achieve offline outcomes, such as increasing store ​visits. Reasons include keeping more items in stores, increasing branch sales, ​managing warehouses, or using third-party distributors. I also manage ​campaigns aimed solely at raising awareness, speaking to users naturally, ​reminding them of seasonal tasks, and enhancing online presence without ​requiring specific actions.





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